Questions answered about EMDR therapy...

September 18, 2023

Though I rarely speak of it, memories remain, I choose to hide them, to curb the pain. In pursuit of a happier life, I stash them away, avoiding triggers, so emotions won't sway.

Yet occasionally, my feelings run wild, years of practice concealing them, like a skilled child. Deep down, I sense the need to confront the past, though the right moment never seems to last.

Avoidance, they say, is my chosen way, I ponder why revisit old wounds today. Time has passed, and the numbness persists, I'm strangely comforted, but why does it exist?

Facing these emotions feels daunting and strange, I question if I even know how to arrange it. But I'm aware it's a trade-off, no lows, or highs. Perhaps the risk is worth it, to see what truly lies underneath.

Now, with guidance and a new point of view, not a child anymore, I'll find what's true.

4 Questions answered about EMDR therapy

Q1: How can EMDR therapy assist me when I can't remember any trauma, yet I still experience triggers, and my therapist suspects hidden memories?

A1: It's important to understand that memory loss after trauma is a natural defense mechanism, often resulting in what's known as dissociative amnesia. This means that certain traumatic details or events may be blocked out by your mind as a protective measure. EMDR therapy is not primarily about memory recovery, but rather about processing and reducing the emotional distress associated with traumatic memories. It helps you address the emotional impact of these memories, whether they are fully remembered or not.

Q2: Does EMDR therapy require discussing my traumatic experiences in detail?

A2: EMDR therapy differs from traditional talk therapy in that it doesn't require in-depth discussions about traumatic events. Instead, it focuses on identifying current triggers and connecting them to past experiences, all while minimizing the need to recount distressing details. In cases where discussing specific events is uncomfortable, symbolic representations, such as visualizing "thebox" can be used as a reference point without revealing the exact nature of the trauma.

Q3: How often should EMDR therapy sessions be conducted?

A3: EMDR therapy typically consists of eight phases, with each round of processing addressing different aspects of your trauma. It is generally recommended to have one or two sessions per week.The duration of therapy can vary based on individual needs and the number of traumas to be addressed. Some clients may engage in more extended therapy for comprehensive healing, while others may focus on specific goals, such as overcoming a fear, within a shorter timeframe.

Q4: What are the indicators that EMDR therapy is effective for me?

A4: After an EMDR session, clients often report immediate changes such as feeling lighter, more relaxed, or even energized. This can be attributed to the effective processing of maladaptive memories and a reduction in related symptoms. The bilateral stimulation used in EMDR mimics the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, promoting relaxation and desensitization of traumatic memories. Over time, clients notice improvements in their relationships, increased self-awareness, and the ability to respond to challenges with adaptive beliefs rather than trauma responses. These signs may include reduced triggers, newfound capabilities, and an overall sense of progress and emotional well-being.

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